Wednesday, February 24, 2021

10 Characteristics of Churches That Keep Young Adults

A Lifeway Research study of young adults raised in the church discovered certain characteristics can have an impact on the likelihood they drop out of church.

The good news for small churches is that neither the size of the church or the size of the student ministry has any influence on drop-out rates.

The most important characteristics are ones that every church can strive to embrace.

Young adults who regularly attended church as teenagers were given a list of various characteristics and asked if those words matched their impression of members at the church they attended prior to age 18 or the congregation they attended as an 18- to 22-year-old.

On several words, there are no significant differences between those who dropped out of church as a young adult and those who continued attending regularly.

On other characteristics, however, there is a marked difference in attitudes among those who left church and those who stayed. Read More

These 10 church characteristics are those that highlighted different perspectives on church among dropouts and consistent attendees. For churches that want to retain teenagers into adulthood, these traits matter.

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