Saturday, May 01, 2021


Retro-Anglican is in. Retro-Anglican? Yes, retro-Anglican. It’s the latest trend in Anglicanism. Pick your favorite era in Anglican Church history and replicate it in your church. So, you don’t get every detail right. No biggie. Do things whatever way you think things were done way back when. Live the fantasy.

Altar against the east wall. Nine candlesticks. Fiddleback chasuble. Eastward position. Priest’s back to the congregation.

Not your favorite era. How about the Elizabethan Church? Get rid of the pews. Straw on the floor for the people to kneel on. God’s board in the body of the church. North end of the table. A comely surplice with sleeves. Live the fantasy. Retro is in! Be your own ecclesiastical version of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

But wait a minute! This is the third decade of the twenty-first century! No biggie. I’m sure that you’ll find some folks who’ll play along with you. Live the fantasy!

My favorite era is the 1980s. A new Prayer Book. A new hymnal. Folk arts in the church. Bright colored wall banners. Free standing altar tables. Priest facing the congregation. Children and adults worshiping together. Hand gestures. Uplifted hands. Standing to pray. Standing to receive communion. People singing on their way to communion. Songs like Alleluia, He Is Coming, Gift of Finest Wheat, Hallelujah My Father, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, Let All That Is Within Me Cry Holy, One Bread, One Body, We See the Lord, Will You Let Me Be Your Servant. Real bread, freshly-baked. Singing in the Spirit. Jubilation.

Bring back the 80s!! Retro-Anglican is in!!

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