Tuesday, May 04, 2021

The Power of a Close Up

A tool many video shooters fail to understand...

With the explosion of filmmakers, social influencers, livestream worship services, and YouTube producers these days, when it comes to shooting video, there appears to be a significant lack of understanding the power of a close up. In classic Hollywood movies, close ups were used strategically to help enhance the story – particularly when it came to emotional moments. And today, the greatest filmmakers are masters of close ups – which makes me wonder: why do so few video shooters and directors today avoid such a critical shot?

Perhaps it’s because equipment costs have lowered the bar so much that anyone with a mobile phone can call themselves a “filmmaker” – whether or not they actually had any media education, worked with mentors, or spent time on professional sets. But regardless of the cause, let’s talk about why close ups are so important when shooting short videos, social media, or live-streaming.... Read More

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