Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Gen Z more likely to reject traditional morality, less likely to see people as 'basically good': poll' And More

Gen Z more likely to reject traditional morality, less likely to see people as 'basically good': poll
Although Generation Z is more likely to reject viewpoints associated with traditional morality, the youngest group of American adults is less likely to embrace the idea that humans are "basically good," new research suggests.

People Aren’t Rejecting Jesus. They Just Don’t Care
An encounter with a European media producer stopped Phil Cooke in his tracks. He explains.

Understanding the Metamodern Mood
Metamodernism is a worldview as wide open and consumer friendly as the smartphone. Take or leave what you want, follow or unfollow, swipe right or left: it’s your iWorld, so make it a good one.

A New Reformation
In this article, Jane Ellen Nickel, a retired United Methodist pastor, presents her view of recent developments in the United Methodist Church and other mainline denominations.

Special Needs Ministry Remains an Untapped Opportunity for Many Churches
Those with special needs may not feel welcome unless churches take active steps to find and remove any hindrances.

Building a Village of Support: Clergy and the Care of the Grieving
As clergy leaders, you’re there offering support for your people throughout a range of emotional times and experiences. One of the most difficult of these is dealing with death, the loss of a loved one.

Big Plans for Small Spaces
Planning for expansion makes a lot of sense. Church plants that neglect this kind of planning are likely to discover that this oversight can negatively impact their growth.

Finding God’s Plan for Your Life
As a college professor, I cannot begin to tell you the number of times students have asked me the question, “How do I find God’s plan for my life?” As much as I would like to say there is an easy step-by-step approach to finding that answer, there simply is not. However, I do believe there are a few ways that God has revealed His plans in my own life.

Recognize and Overcome One of the Enemy’s Greatest Weapons: Shame
Have you ever made a mistake and been so embarrassed by it, that it made you feel humiliated, unacceptable, unworthy, unlovely, or even unlovable? Or did it, perhaps, make you feel like a mistake?

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