Saturday, June 01, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Stop Pursuing the Past' And More

Stop Pursuing the Past
If you could start from scratch, what would you do? If you had a blank slate, how would you make disciples? How would you conduct worship services? How would you serve your community?

The second coming of Doug Wilson
Conservatives are elevating long-controversial Idaho pastor Doug Wilson, framing him as a champion of a relatively moderate form of Christian nationalism — but critics says his ideas remain extreme.

The Importance of Knowing Why and Casting Vision
I have long believed that two things undermine bringing the Bible to bear on contemporary issues. First, a failure to understand why culture is embracing a particular idea or practice, and second, a failure to present the Bible’s alternate vision in a winsome and compelling way. Understanding “why” helps you build bridges of connection and empathy, and presenting an alternate vision moves beyond the dead end of mere judgment to the promise of evangelism.

Hope for Struggling Christians During Pride Month
Garrett Kell offers six encouragements to help Christians who struggle with same-sex attraction to persevere in putting to death sinful desires and holding to a biblical sexual ethic.

7 Tips for Young Adults to Improve Their Relationships with Their Parents
Here are seven tips that may help you have a better relationship with your folks.

Empowering Youth: Building Leadership Skills in Ministry
Are you empowering youth at church? Do kids in your congregation play key roles in your programs? Learn about the importance of equipping teens to lead.

How to Teach Children About Missions
There seems to be a noticeable correlation between children who receive missions education and those who later commit themselves to missionary service. Let’s look at a few steps that we can take in our churches and homes to influence the next generation of missionaries.

3 Things New Believers Experience in Small Groups
As we enter a new year, some group leaders may be considering the idea of opening up their small groups and welcoming new members. Should you choose to open your group up, you may likely be introduced to a person who is a brand new believer in Christ. This season of a new believer’s life is crucial, and the Lord has chosen you to guide this particular person through their very first small group experience. As a new believer attends your small group, there are three key components that they will begin to experience....

10 Indicators You've Lost Your Wonder over Jesus
Sometimes, we, too, lose our wonder over Jesus. Check these signs to see if that’s where you are....

Live As If Jesus Rules and Eternity Is Real
When Paul told the Colossian church to set their minds on things above and not on the things of this present world, he was basically saying this: Live as if Jesus rules and eternity is real.

Encouragement for Reluctant Saints
What is the purpose of prolonging our lives past the point of conversion?

Heaven’s Eternal Rewards Program
Are you ready to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ?

Latino Episcopalians in the spotlight with Gutiérrez presiding bishop nomination
Latino Episcopal clergy say that their congregations are thriving.

1 million-member regional body leaves United Methodist Church over gay marriage, clergy
A regional body of the United Methodist Church with approximately 1 million members has voted to leave the mainline denomination over its acceptance of gay marriage and noncelibate gay clergy. The Côte d'Ivoire Conference based in West Africa voted earlier this week to leave the UMC after the denomination's decision to remove rules banning the blessing of same-sex unions and the ordination of people in romantic same-sex relationships from its Book of Discipline.

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