Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Does It Matter If Your Church Feels Outdated?'

Does It Matter If Your Church Feels Outdated?
God has placed you in this decade to do His work. Is your church proclaiming “Today is the day of salvation” in today’s words and methods?

Leading (and Loving) a Dying Church
How can you lead (and love) a church that is dying? Thom and Sam discuss this listener-submitted question. No church should die, but some will. Some pastors must shepherd congregations on what amounts to spiritual hospice care. It’s a difficult calling, but there are some ways to glorify God, even as a church goes through the process of closing.

Yes, a free and fair press is under assault by Trump and MAGA
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States can’t stay off the political hot seat. There’s a bill now before the U.S. Senate, known as the PRESS Act — the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act — that would prevent the government from forcing journalists to reveal their sources.
See Also: Why we can’t trust ABC News
Is the Kingdom of God a Fortress or a Seed?
The kingdom of God is a different kind of kingdom than the world’s kingdoms.

Audio Mixing 101
One of the hardest things to teach a new sound operator is how to mix. It requires the development of an “ear” for what to change, when to change it and what levels are appropriate....

Natality and Formation
This essay is part of a series on Natality, a conversation about child-bearing, family life, birth rates, and the presence or absence of children in churches.

3 Reasons Why Evangelism Is a Primary Means for Spiritual Growth
...sharing our faith is critical to our spiritual growth and the lack of doing so impedes our Christian growth.

How Can I Prepare to Be a Missionary?
If you are a Christian and are convinced that God has called you to serve as a missionary, here are ten things you can do to prepare yourself.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The Essential Purpose of the Church' And More

The Essential Purpose of the Church
When you think of church, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Why Are 30% of Your “Active” Church Members Absent on a Given Sunday?
Are any of you old enough to remember “perfect attendance awards”?

The little-known history of the Nativity play
In the run-up to Christmas, primary schools and Sunday schools often put on Nativity plays. This custom, however, is a surprisingly modern tradition. Here is its story.

True Organizational Change Requires a Little Chaos
Have you ever heard this quote? “Chaos often breeds life, while order breeds habit.” – Henry Adams, American Historian.

7 Essential Qualities for Facing Looming Ministry Transitions
By intentionally cultivating these seven qualities, pastors can do more than survive the transitions in the year ahead.

Keith Getty urges worship artists to prioritize depth over trends, talks power of Christmas hymns 
In an age when worship music trends come and go, modern hymnwriter Keith Getty is making a different appeal to artists and congregations alike: prioritize depth and scriptural soundness over popularity.

10 Mistakes I Made When Reading the Bible
Your reading experience will be far richer if you learn—as I’m doing—to avoid these common mistakes.

Have You Lost the Ability to Think Deeply?
We need to ask ourselves if entertainment is affecting our spiritual growth.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, December 15, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

This Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent, also called Gaudete Sunday, It takes its name from the Latin word Gaudete, “Rejoice,” a reference to Philippians 4: 4-7. On Gaudete Sunday churches which have an Advent Wreath light the third candle, the pink candle, on the wreath. In some churches rose pink vestments are worn on this Sunday and the Holy Table and pulpit-lectern are hung with rose pink paraments.

In this Sunday’s message we take a look at a prophetic song found in the Bible and long used in Christian worship, a song taken from the story of John the Baptist whose ministry is the focus of this Sunday’s gospel reading and has implications for every Christian.

Readings: Zephaniah 3: 14-20, Philippians 4: 4-7, and Luke 3: 7-18

Message: “Prepare the way of the Lord….”

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/12/sundays-at-all-hallows-sunday-december_14.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Making the Most of Your Church Database' And More

Making the Most of Your Church Database
You have access to so much attendee and guest data. The question is, are you using your church database well?
For four weeks in a row I attend a Episcopal church to evaluate what it was doing in key areas and to identify where it might make improvements. Among the things that I discovered was that it was not keeping a record of who was attending its services or gathering contact information on first time worship visitors for follow-up purposes. This was surprising as it is a standard practice in most churches. The one exception with which I am acquainted was a dying church whose shrinking congregation eventually disbanded and sold their church building.
Why the religious beliefs of Trump defense pick Pete Hegseth matter
Hegseth’s Christian views have been shaped by a 20th-century movement, Christian Reconstruction, which seeks to make America a Christian nation built on biblical law, writes a religion scholar.

Why Christians should demand the establishment of the ERA now
The authors of this article argue that it is time for the Equal Rights Amendment to be added to the US Constitution and encourage readers of the article to urge President Biden to make its addition to the constitution a part of his legacy.

26 Questions Every Communicator Should Consider
Mastering communication is not the goal. Maximizing your communicative ability is the target.

Short Bible Messages for Youth: Make an Impact on Teens
Check out these five Bible-based messages that teenagers need to hear from you.
See Also: Raffle Basket Ideas for Awesome Youth Ministry Fundraisers
Christmas Craft Ideas for Children’s Ministry: Telling the Nativity Story
Christmas craft ideas for children’s ministry teach about Jesus’ birth in fun, hands-on ways. Crafts are an excellent way to make Bible lessons meaningful and memorable. Whether you teach preschoolers or older kids, crafting reinforces the Christmas story through creativity and joy.
See Also: Kindness Object Lesson: Teach Children to Build Up Others

Friday's Catch: 'Receiving the Christ Child' And More

Receiving the Christ Child
There is plenty of room in our churches these days. Yet there are few children. Many western “mainline” churches, especially the Anglican churches, are not unique in this regard.. We are merely following the trend. In the United States, in Europe, in Australia, in China — and in parts of Africa, too — birthrates are falling or have already fallen or will soon fall below replacement levels.

Top Leading Ideas Talks Podcast Episodes of 2024
Please share these podcasts with your colleagues, congregations, and friends.

Oldest Christian artefact north of the Alps unearthed in Germany
Archaeologists in Germany have confirmed the discovery of a 1,750-year-old amulet containing a silver scroll, now recognised as the oldest physical evidence of Christianity north of the Alps.

Examine Your Life
The media loves a good scandal, and it seems like pastors are a favorite target. Don’t get me wrong, many of the pastors who end up the subject of criticism have behaved in ways that invite public scrutiny and even judgment. This article is not a defense of pastors and church leaders who have crossed moral, emotional or financial lines. It is a heartfelt plea for all people in church leadership to realize that our witness and the witness of the church can be greatly compromised when we don’t tend to our own souls.

What to Do When People Let Us Down
Have you ever poured your heart into a project only to be let down by the very people you expected to support you? That’s quite a letdown question to begin this conversation, but it’s a reality we as leaders must face. As leaders, it’s tough to face the reality that sometimes, despite our best efforts, people just don’t show up or come through or do what we expect. People let us down.

Full Time Worship Ministry? Get a Real Job!
Now that I have your undivided attention, I do believe that full time worship ministry is indeed a worthy calling and vocation that requires preparation, education and skills. And yes, it is a real job. But what if opportunities were no longer available for you to lead worship vocationally? What if you needed to voluntarily or were asked involuntarily to step aside from full-time worship ministry for an interim or extended period of time? What if you are unable to land a worship ministry position after graduation? What would or could you do to provide for your family while still responding to God’s call? Some of us have found ourselves in that situation only to realize we are not trained or are not training to do anything else.

Helpful Hacks for Preaching from a Manuscript
The aim of manuscript preaching is to make it look like you’re not preaching from a manuscript, which isn’t easy. I’ve had my fair share of fumbles along the way. But those fumbles have taught me some things.
See also: The Frankenstein Sermon
What If We Let the Bible Form Us in 2025?
Each one of us will be formed into the image of something or someone in 2025. Whether the formation comes from CNN or FOX News, social media algorithms, or addictive substances, none of us will make it through the year unformed.

3 Means God Uses to Change Us (and 3 Ways We Change)
Christian anthropologist Paul Hiebert explains that the “biblical view of transformation” includes “both a point and a process; this transformation has simple beginnings (a person can turn wherever he or she is), but radical, lifelong consequences.” Hiebert continues, “It is not simply mental assent to a set of metaphysical beliefs, nor is it solely a positive feeling towards God. Rather it involves entering a life of discipleship and obedience in every area of our being and throughout the whole story of our lives.”

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Special Events: A Step in Evangelism' And More

Special Events: A Step in Evangelism
Special events are one of the tools we can use for training people to get comfortable talking with others, inviting them to our weekend worship gatherings, and eventually sharing their faith. Event evangelism can include the more popular ones like Easter and Christmas, but also can include Parent/Child Dedications, Mother’s and Father’s Day, and the beginning of a new sermon series.

The Most Common Barriers to Growth in Churches Today
Jess and Thom look at some of the most common barriers in churches while answering the “why” behind each one. Some of the challenges are the same as in past years, but the reasons behind them are often not.

Faith, Family, and the Village
If moral and spiritual divisions in our Christian communities have led to the fragmenting and dispersal of the “village,” then the vocation of churches in the coming years will be to rebuild in some sense what has been lost. Obviously this will look very different than it has in the past. The task of forming coherent and relationally close communities, in which the generations are not tied together by kinship or culture, presents certain kinds of challenges. But they are gospel challenges that derive from the heart of Christian teaching, the reality of Jesus Christ, in whom all nations and generations find their hope and salvation.

Who will be the next archbishop of Canterbury?
The Christmas Day sermon by the archbishop of Canterbury is the centerpiece of the Church of England’s seasonal celebrations. However, with the resignation of Archbishop Justin Welby, Anglicans will have to make do with a homily from the bishop of York before they tuck into the Christmas turkey.

Faith leaders express dismay amid report Trump will allow immigration raids at churches
‘I have 30 kids in a Sunday school class — I don’t know who is documented and undocumented,’ said one Latino pastor.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation Are Not the Same Thing
Too many people confuse forgiveness with reconciliation. What is the difference between the two and why does it matter so much?

8 Essential Components of Any Small Group Leaders Training
If companies provide training for employees, how much more important is it for the church to provide training for its frontline leaders?

How To Cope With Loneliness During the Holidays
When faced with loneliness, there are two primary ways we can address it: by changing our external circumstances or by shifting our internal perspective.

Gifts that aren't things: presents for your loved ones that won't end up at the back of a cupboard
...it can be a blessing to give experiences rather than things for Christmas presents. There are many options that can lead to treasured memories rather than fuller cupboards.

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, December 12, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

In Norway and other Scandinavian countries, it is a tradition to light a candle in the evening each of the Sundays of Advent. The Advent candleholder (typically red) is called an adventsstake and has four candles, one for each Sunday of Advent. Each candle represents how Jesus brought light to the world.

Lighting candles not only brighten a room on a dark Scandinavian winter night, but it also creates a more prayerful atmosphere. Even if you don’t have an adventsstake or Advent wreath, you may want to light one or more candles for this evening’s service.

In this evening’s message we take a look at how we may become an obstacle to others hearing the good news and what we can do about it.

Reading: Luke 23:1-36

Message: The Face in the Mirror

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/12/thursday-evenings-at-all-hallows_12.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing a lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows the lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

No Priest? No Problem!

By Robin G. Jordan

Due to declining church attendance and a clergy shortage, it is becoming increasingly common in the Episcopal Church for congregations to have no priest of their own and to share a priest with one or more other congregations or to undergo lengthy periods between priests during which it must engage the temporary services of a supply priest once or twice a month. As a consequence, it is also becoming increasingly common for the laity to take a more active role in planning and conducting Sunday worship. This article was written to help those planning services for Sundays on which no priest is available.

The Book of Common Prayer (1979) provides congregations with three options for priestless Sundays--Festal Morning Prayer, a Service of the Word, and a Service of the Word with Communion. In this article I will look briefly at each option, beginning with Festal Morning Prayer. I will also share a number of things that I learned from my own experience as a worship planner and from my study of liturgics and church music and related subjects and which may prove helpful to those planning Sunday worship for their congregation. I am going to post separate tutorial articles on each option.

Festal Morning Prayer

Festal Morning Prayer differs from the weekday Office in a number of ways. At Festal Morning Prayer the invitatory psalm, the psalm or psalms appointed for the day, and the canticles after the lessons are sung. A sermon is preached after the Lessons or after the Collects. A hymn or anthem is sung after the Collects and an offering may be taken. The prayer for missions is omitted and a general intercession follows the hymn or anthem. At the weekday Office the congregation is typically small. The psalms and the canticles are usually recited. A few such congregations may sing them, but they are atypical. There is no sermon. No hymn or anthem is sung after the Collects. These are important differences. When they are not respected, the result will be a service that is far from satisfactory as the principal service on a Sunday morning.

A Service of the Word

In the Additional Directions for the Holy Eucharist, on pages of 406-407, The Book of Common Prayer makes provision for a Service of the Word comprised of following elements:

Hymn, psalm, or anthem (optional)
Opening Acclamation
Decalogue (optional)
Sentence of Scripture (optional)
Invitation to Confession
Confession of Sin
Absolution/Prayer for Pardon
Gloria or some other song of praise, Kyrie, or Trisagion
Collect of the Day
First Reading
Psalm, hymn, or anthem
Second Reading
Psalm, hymn, or anthem
Gospel Reading
Prayers of the People
Concluding Collect
Hymn or anthem (offering)
The Lord’s Prayer
The Grace, a blessing, or the Peace

The Penitential Order may be omitted and the service may begin with a hymn, psalm or anthem, followed by the Opening Acclamation and the Gloria in excelsis or some other Song of Praise or the Kyrie or the Trisagion, depending upon the season of the Christian Year or the occasion. The service may be led by a deacon or a lay person.

Among the advantages of this service is that it will largely be familiar to a congregation that has been regularly celebrating the Holy Eucharist on a Sunday morning.

A Service of the Word with Communion

A third option is a Service of the Word with Communion. This option is open to congregations to which the bishop has assigned a deacon. It does require the authorization of the bishop. It consists of a Service of the Word as previously described to which is added the distribution of communion from the reserved sacrament. Details of the manner in which the communion may be distributed from the reserved sacrament are also found in the Additional Directions for the Holy Eucharist, on page 408.

Things That I Have Learned

When he visited the smaller congregations in his episcopal area in the Diocese of Southwark, the Rt. Rev. Michael Marshal, then Bishop of Woolwich, found that these congregations typically tried to imitate the worship of larger congregations with dismal results. In his book Renewal In Worship (Morehouse-Barlow, 1982, 1985), he encourages smaller congregations to tailor their services to their particular circumstances—size, musical resources, place of worship, ministry target group, and so on--rather than trying unsuccessfully to model their services on the worship of the cathedral and the collegiate chapel. It is good advice.

For example, a small choir does not have enough voices to sing a four-part anthem. However, it would have no difficulty in singing a new hymn as a unison anthem. The congregation also has a member who is a percussionist in his high school band and can play a cajon or box drum or a djembe. Steven P Starke has written a hymn, “All You Works of God Bless the Lord,” metrical setting of the Benedicite, set to LINSTEAD, a tune that Doreen Potter adapted from a Jamaican folk melody and to which the hymn, “Let Us Our Talents and Tongues Employ” is also set. It can be sung to the accompaniment of a hand drum and hand clapping. It also has an easy-to-learn refrain. After learning the hymn, accompanied by the youth on the cajon or djembe, the choir introduces the hymn as the first canticle of Festal Morning Prayer. When the hymn is used again at Festal Morning Prayer on a subsequent Sunday, the congregation is invited to join in the refrain. The hymn is repeated on several more Sundays and becomes a part of the congregation’s repertoire.

It is wise to consider first time worship visitors and first time worship viewers, if the service is live streamed on the internet or broadcast on cable TV, in planning services. They are going to react differently to a service than cradle or long-time Episcopalians. For example, most of them are not accustomed to reciting lengthy texts, and the experience has a high likelihood of discouraging them from returning for a second visit or in the case of a first time viewer to click away to something more interesting.

It also makes good sense to do what one can to improve the congregation’s music ministry, building on the congregation’s gifts and strengths, regularly evaluating the congregation’s weekly worship service and considering ways of improving the service.

It is a mistake to underestimate the role that music plays in the life of the Church. The songs used in the liturgy are not just embellishments to the liturgy but an integral part of the congregation’s worship, of its corporate prayer. They are also an important means of transmitting and reinforcing the faith and values of a congregation. The members of a congregation are more likely to remember and assimilate the lyrics of a hymn that they have heard and sung a number of times than they are the words of a sermon that they heard only once.

Group singing, which includes congregational singing, researchers have found, raises oxytocin levels in individual human beings. Oxytocin is critically involved in social bonding. It also reduces stress and improves mood. Group singing also fosters and strengthens group identity and group unity. These are important considerations in a time of declining church attendance. Enthusiastic group singing stimulates enthusiasm for the group in its members and increases the likelihood that they will invite others to join the group. The enthusiasm of the singers can also be infectious and make a first time worship visitor not only want to join in but also return for a second visit. Recitation of lengthy texts has not been shown to have these effects.

Researchers have also found that the quality of the music in the worship of a congregation plays a key role in the decision of unchurched or lightly churched individuals to begin regularly worshiping with that congregation and eventually becoming a member of the church. These individuals used the attention that was given to the music as a major indicator of how seriously the congregation took the worship of God. This was found to be the case whatever the style of music that the congregation used in its worship.

It must be noted that music quality and music style are not the same thing albeit people are apt to confuse the two.

Whoever is planning the service needs to work closely with whoever is selecting the music for the service. The selection of the music can make a significant difference in the service, and it is not a good idea to leave its selection solely to the church’s music minister, presuming the church has one, music group leader, or accompanist. The right choice of songs can lend vitality to a service. The wrong choice can cause a service to drag or worse.

Knowledge of how to choose and use hymns, psalms, canticles, anthems, worship songs, and service music in liturgical worship is indispensable as is familiarity not only with The Hymnal 1982 and its supplements, official and unofficial, and their predecessors such as More Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Hymns II, and Songs for Celebration, but also the hymnals and hymnal supplements of its sister churches like the Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of England, the Church of Ireland, and the Scottish Episcopal Church and mainline denominations like the Disciples of Christ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the United Church of Christ, and the United Methodist Church. So is familiarity with the music published by Augsburg-Concordia, Band Camp, Getty Music, GIA, Hope Music Publishing, Northwestern Publishing House, and OCP in the United States, Kevin Mayhew, Jubilate Hymns, and Resound Music, in the United Kingdom, and other publishers of sacred music. This includes the songs of music groups like City Alight, Emu Music, Liturgical Folk, Sovereign Grace, and The Braeded Chord, and those of song writers like Richard Bruxvoort Corrigan, Elisa Massa, Andrea Sandefer, and Karen Young Wimberly. A large part of their repertoire is suitable for use in liturgical worship and may have specifically been written for that purpose.

A congregation can benefit from the use of a variety of styles of music in its Sunday worship, particularly if it is seeking to reach and engage families with young children. Songs with repetitions and refrains and memorable lyrics not only enable young children to join in the congregational singing but also non-literate adults, neurodivergent individuals, and people with learning disabilities.

The importance of being intentional in introducing new music cannot be overemphasized. This can be done in a number of ways. Preludes and postludes can be used to introduce new tunes. One way of introducing a new song is to have a cantor, small ensemble, or choir sing several verses and then have the congregation join in on the final verse. In the early days of St. Peter’s of the Lakes, Gilbertsville, Kentucky, a new church plant launched in 1980, the congregation devoted time after the service on Sunday morning to learning new service music for the upcoming season. During the first decade of its existence, St. Michael’s, Mandeville, Louisiana, a new church plant launched in 1985, we used pre-service congregational rehearsals to teach and practice new music. At the Church of the Beloved, Madisonville, Louisiana, a new church plant launched in 2002, we used CDs of the worship songs used in what was originally a weeknight service to teach the songs to the congregation and to accompany the congregational singing. 

The value of sizing up the community in which the congregation’s place of worship is located and the outlying districts and of familiarizing oneself with the demographics and psychographics of the area, the prevalent culture of the area, any subcultures, popular musical tastes and preferences, and so on also cannot be overemphasized. This will help worship planners identify connections and potential connections with the residents of the area and factor them into their worship planning.

For example, Mandeville, Louisiana in the 1980s was a community with a rapidly growing population. A number of new subdivisions had sprung up on the edges of the town. When we sized up the community, we found that the segment of the population that was experiencing the most rapid growth was families with teenagers or young children. The lion’s share of these families came from diverse religious backgrounds or had no religious background at all. A number of these families were mixed—one or both parents had previously been married and one or more children from a previous marriage. A number of them had a mixed religious background, typically Protestant and Roman Catholic. Episcopalians who had not yet found a church home formed an extremely tiny segment of the population. We made the largest population segment our primary ministry target group. In selecting hymns, we used the Ecumenical Hymn List which listed hymns found in a number of denominational hymnals and the tunes to which they were set, hymns and tunes that were likely to be familiar to unchurched couples and individuals with a Protestant background. We also selected hymns, songs, and service music from several Roman Catholic hymnals and music collections. (Interestingly a number of hymns, songs, and service music in these hymnals and music collections originally came from Anglican, Lutheran, and other Protestant sources.) Additionally, we used a number of worship songs from the Episcopal Church’s Community of Celebration and later on the Vineyard Movement. This particular blend of music, the liveliness of the congregational singing, and the warmth and friendliness of the congregation were often given by newcomers as the reasons that they had decided to attend St. Michael’s.

I now live in a region of Kentucky which for a number of years was the site of a shape-note hymn sing that attracted people from around the country. A number of the region’s churches use shape-note hymns in their worship. Blue-grass music and gospel songs also have a following in the region. To build a musical bridge with the area’s residents, I would incorporate a number of shape-note hymns, shape-note hymn tunes, and gospel songs into the repertoire of my congregation. I might consider planning a musical evening hosted by the church and featuring a particular style of music popular in the area, a music evening to which the public would be invited.

Among the characteristics of dying churches which researcher have identified is that they bear little or no resemblance to the neighborhoods or communities in which they are located and have negligible connections to that neighborhood or community. This knowledge hopefully will motivate us to build bridges to our own neighborhood or community through our congregation’s worship as well as its ministries and special events.

A notion that worship planners for a congregation need to quickly disabuse themselves is that making superfluous additions to a service enriches the worship of the congregation. These additions typically take the form of extra prayers and other devotions. All these additions do is unnecessarily lengthen the service and increase the likelihood that people will experience the service as dull and uninteresting. A service can become so cluttered with such embellishments that it loses its basic shape. A time-tested liturgical principle is “LESS IS MORE.”

For example, the Holy Eucharist has its own entrance rite which already contains a number of redundant elements. It does not need anything more tacked on it. Long and verbose forms of the Prayers of the People are not anymore prayerful than a short litany. They are not going to impress God with their wordiness. We have Jesus’ word for it.

The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missouri, now retired, wrote Admirable Simplicity: Principles for Worship Planning in the Anglican Tradition (Church Publishing, 1996). It is a “overview of the nature of Anglican worship and the inherent simplicity within the rites and rubrics gleaned from primary and secondary sources in the tradition, combined with a good dose of reason.” The late Rev. Dr. Marion J. Hatchett, longtime professor of liturgics and church music at the School of Theology, the University of the South Sewanee, Tennessee, and author of Commentary on an American Prayer Book; A Liturgical Index to The Hymnal 1982; A Guide to the Practice of Church Music; Sanctifying Life, Time, and Space: A Introduction to Liturgical Studies, and other works recommended Bishop Smith’s book to be read not only by clergy and church musicians but also members of parish worship committees and any others involved in liturgical planning. Reading Professor Hatchett’s own books would also benefit worship planners as would reading those of Howard Galley, Leonell Mitchell, Boone Porter, Charles Price, William Sydnor and others who played a critical role in the compilation and introduction of Episcopal Church’s 1979 revision of The Book of Common Prayer. While one does not have to be a bookworm to do worship planning, it does not hurt to be well-read.

The best way to enrich the worship of a congregation is not through the addition of extra prayers and other devotions to the liturgy but through the creative, thoughtful choosing and using of music in the liturgy. For example, the selection of bright, vigorous hymn to get the Holy Eucharist off to a good start, a lively setting of the Gloria in excelsis or some other song of praise to keep it moving, an anthem for the Gradual, one based upon the psalm appointed for the day and highlighting the vocal talents of the choir, a rousing alleluia to greet Christ in the Gospel, a period of silent reflection after the Gospel reading, a meditative hymn that echoes of the themes of the readings at the offertory, and a medley of songs in which the communicants can join without books or service leaflets in their hands as they go forward to receive the sacramental bread and wine and experience a foretaste of the joyous procession of the redeemed at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. These are just some ways a celebration of the Holy Eucharist can be transformed.

The liturgy, whether it is Festal Morning Prayer, a Service of the Word, or the Holy Eucharist, is the work of the whole people of God, gathered as a worshiping assembly on Sunday morning or some other occasion. Everyone has a role to play, including the children. When we segregate the younger children in another room from the adults and the teenagers and do not involve them in the worship service, we should not be surprised that when they grow older, they migrate to some other church or drop out of church altogether. It is desirable that worship planners routinely re-evaluate and rethink the role of the children in the service. When I visited St. John’s Murray, Kentucky in the late 1980s or early 1990s, a team of preteen girls collected and presented the offerings of the people. This is one way of involving the older children. At St. Michael’s I recruited and trained teenagers and older children to read the lessons and to lead the Prayers of the People. I also established a rota of families with young children to serve as gift bearers. The gift bearers would bring forward the alms basins and the bread and wine. I left it to the discretion of the parents who carried what since they knew their child or children better than I did.

The music director and I were careful to include at least one song in which the younger children were able to participate, a song with repetitions or a refrain or both. The simple hymns and songs in Songs for Celebration and Come Celebrate and several Roman Catholic music collections proved very useful. We also chose service music—Gospel Acclamation, Santus-Benedictus, Memorial Acclamation, Fraction Anthem--that was not too difficult for the younger children. The music director, an elementary school teacher who played the piano, had previously directed a children’s choir and she taught hand gestures to the younger children to go with the songs. We also hosted family nights at which a meal was served and at which the adults joined the children in singing familiar songs and learning new ones after the meal. The music director accompanied the singing on the piano and I served as song leader. I later wrote an occasional paper for the diocese’s committee on liturgy and music on integrating children into Sunday worship, based upon what we had learned during that time as well as what I had gleaned from the literature on all-age or multigenerational worship.

In one church plant in which I was involved, the sermon was preceded by a children’s moment after which the younger children were dismissed and went to a adjoining room where they took part in a planned learning activity conducted by members of the children’s ministry team. At the offertory they rejoined their parents and at communion time went forward with their parents to receive communion. On occasion the children brought with them banners, placards, and other items that they had made and carried them in the offertory procession.

In a time in the history of the Church in which those who attend a church attend less often than they once did and a large number of people no longer attend a church at all, we need to be more mindful of how we worship. It makes a difference. One of the realities of life is that people will invest in activities that interest or excite them, activities that give meaning to their lives. If they are not getting anything out of what they are doing, they will stop doing it. They will find something else to do.

Those who have responsibility for planning the worship of a congregation can make its worship an experience toward which the congregation genuinely looks forward each Sunday, an experience that invigorates and strengthens their faith and sends them back into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Or they can make the congregation’s weekly worship service something that the congregation attends out of a sense of duty and obligation, hoping to please God by their presence and to earn God’s favor, something at which the members of the congregation go through the motions, but their hearts are not in what they are doing, and their minds are elsewhere.

Among the things that churches have learned from the COVID-19 epidemic is that if a family or individual attends a church primarily out of habit, that family or individual may experience a change in habits during a prolonged absence from the church and may replace church attendance with other activities on Sunday morning.

It is possible to make a congregation’s weekly worship service a more meaningful experience for those who attend without resorting to gimmicks and the like, an experience that will cause them not only to return week after week but also to invite family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, classmates, and others to join them. The first step is to identify the congregation’s strengths, what it has going for it. In the process it may discover that it has more strengths than it realizes. The next step is to identify where the weekly worship service might be improved, what can be done better than it is presently done. The third step is to develop and implement specific actions that can be taken to make these improvements, building whenever possible upon the congregation’s strengths.

For example, a congregation may have members who are able to play musical instruments such as the cello and the flute. In place of a organ prelude, an instrumental piece performed on the cello or on the flute might be used as the prelude. A congregation may have choir with enough voices to sing an easy or moderately difficult SATB or SAB anthem. For a particular Sunday the choir might learn and perform a variable psalm to a plainsong chant for Festal Morning Prayer, and sing this psalm at the appropriate place in the service in addition to or in place of a anthem after the Collects. On that particular Sunday the congregation can sing a seasonal hymn or a general hymn of praise after the Collects.

A common problem that those planning their congregation’s weekly worship service face is that they do not have a clear idea of what belongs in the service and what does not or even worse they have the wrong idea. It is important for worship planners to recognize mistakes when they make them and to learn from their mistakes. Refusing to admit that they have made a mistake and to correct the mistake is not a good attitude to take. It can result in a worship experience that is mediocre at best, and which can hinder the congregation’s spiritual growth.

It is helpful to take a pastoral view and to see a congregation’s weekly worship service as a form of spiritual care that is extended not only to the members of the congregation but also to first time worship visitors and first time worship viewers. If we value someone, if they matter to us, we will want to do right by them. We will want to provide them with the best spiritual care that we can offer. We are not going to settle for anything less. We will want to see them grow spiritually, to bloom and to bear fruit. Consequently, we will always have an eye open for where there may be room for improvement, for where we can do better.

When it comes to worship, what honors God the most is offering God the best that we can offer, not the best that St. Ambrose’s or St. George’s can offer. Just as the attention we give to the music of our weekly worship service can reveal to a visitor or an online or cable TV viewer, how much we value the worship of God so can the attention that we give to worship planning can reveal how much we value God and the people of God.

Our Lord summarized what J.B. Phillips in his translation of the New Testament renders as “the essence of true religion” in the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40):

“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

We give expression to how much we love God and how much we love our neighbor not only in the way that we live our daily lives but also in the way that we worship on Sundays and other occasions. What we do and how we do it reveals how much we value God and our neighbor; how much they matter to us. This is not lost on visitors and online and cable TV viewers. It may intrigue them enough to return for a second or third visit or visit our church in person for the first time. In fact, it says more about how welcoming we are as a congregation than someone reading a statement at the beginning of every service that we are a congregation that welcomes all people.

Wednesday's Catch: 'Why Your Church Should Hang Christmas Lights This Year' And More

Why Your Church Should Hang Christmas Lights This Year
While many churches will decorate their interiors with candles, greens, and banners—most people will never know. They won’t see the inside of your sanctuary—not your poinsettias nor your Chrismon trees. They won’t see the glorious beauty you have prepared inside your church. They’ll only see the outside of your building. Without the visible presence of lights you miss the opportunity to share the joy of the season with passersby.

The Christian Response to Genocide
This article, while it was written for Christians in the United Kingdom, is also relevant for Christians in the United States and Canada, especially because the incoming Trump administration's plans for the mass deportation of illegal immigrants borders on genocide. It is motivated by deep-seated prejudice against this segment of the population.

Thinking of Starting a New Ministry?
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting a new ministry, there’s a simpler way than the traditional and costly 501(c)(3).

7 Tips for Communicating the Gospel on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve presents pastors with a unique opportunity to clearly and creatively communicate the gospel, as people come with expectations.

You Should Preach a Topical Sermon
...if I’m committed to expositional preaching, how do I address those important but occasional questions that arise? Are expository preachers allowed to preach topical sermons? If they decide to do so, what would that look like?

How Should We Pray? - A Helpful Framework of Seven ‘P’s
It helps to have some framework for prayer that shapes our thinking and speaking. I find it helpful to bear in mind the following aspects of prayer, both for my personal praying and public prayers....

Empowering Young Leaders: Equip Teens for Impact
Let’s look at practical tips to help teens make a difference. Young people can be servant leaders and role models now, not just in the future!

Volunteer Gifts for Christmas: 5 Fun Ways to Say Thanks
Need cool, creative volunteer gifts for Christmas? With time ticking away, we’ve got your back! You need just a few craft supplies and some do-it-yourself know-how. Then you’ll be ready to give extra-special volunteer gifts. These ideas are great for saying thanks to all your children’s ministry helpers!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'How Does a Church Grow When All or Most of Its Members Are Old?' And More

How Does a Church Grow When All or Most of Its Members Are Old? A Return to an Often-Asked Question
Thom and Jess revisit one of the most frequently asked questions at Church Answers. Instead of speculating, they share actual stories of churches that are doing just that. This podcast will be incredibly helpful to church leaders.

From Gate Keepers to Guides: Trasforming Church Leadership
This article continues a conversation on generative leadership and encouraging others to step into leadership roles, ensuring that the organization remains dynamic and adaptable.
See also: When Three Years Becomes Twenty
The Warning Signs You’ve Stayed Too Long at a Church
The prevailing wisdom for pastors is longer tenure is better. This principle is generally true. A string of shorter tenures is usually not healthy for churches. But it is possible to stay too long. What are some of the warning signs?

4 Actions Now to Prepare for Your Future Retirement
What can you do to start dreaming about retiring instead of dreading it? Here are a few suggestions for you and your spouse to consider.

Reading the Psalter as a Book
This article distils some of the key pieces of evidence that the Psalter bears traces of editorial activity—thus suggesting it is a purposefully ordered collection—and then proposes a reading of the Psalter that fits this evidence. Some theological implications connected to such a reading are noted throughout. The hope is that this article might elicit renewed vigour in the task of reading the Psalter as a book.

Did Jesus Actually Claim to Be God?
There’s a convenient myth among modern people that the true Jesus, the one who actually wandered around Jerusalem, was likely just an itinerant moral teacher. He was a good one, a societal revolutionary, and maybe even a messenger with a special connection to divinity—similar to the Buddha or Mohammad or the Dalai Lama. But he never claimed to be God. That claim only came later, added on as a sort of legend to beef up his authority.

Ritual Isn’t the Enemy; Empty Ritual Is
Our problem with ritual is that we’ve been following all kinds of scripts with little thought devoted to the question of how those habits are shaping us. Too often, we find ourselves on repeat mode, just going through the motions because we haven’t realized that better scripts are available.

Episcopal churches observe Advent with Lessons and Carols, a beloved Anglican tradition
Many Episcopal congregations nationwide are observing the 2024 Advent season with musical and family-favorite festivities, including Lessons and Carols, a beloved Anglican tradition. Many include livestream options.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Beyond the Pulpit: Every Believer’s Call to Meaningful Ministry' And More

Beyond the Pulpit: Every Believer’s Call to Meaningful Ministry
...ministry isn’t confined to pulpits or limited to those with formal theological training. It’s not reserved for Sunday mornings or restricted to church buildings. Instead, it’s a calling that belongs to every believer, a truth that should fundamentally reshape how we think about our role in God’s kingdom.

Pastoral Authority in the Age of Podcasts
As pastors, we increasingly need to address not just Scripture’s teaching but an expanding universe of digital voices shaping our congregants’ understanding of faith. In an era where every sermon point can be instantly fact-checked and every piece of counsel compared against countless online sources, we must reconsider how pastoral authority functions effectively.

3 Reasons a Winter Retreat Propels Your Church’s Vision Through the Summer
A vision planning retreat when the leaves are gone brings focus and energy when the leaves are green. Now is the time to plan for momentum.

Leader, You Can Combat Burnout
Leadership is tough. Good leaders understand this and manage their lives and leadership demands to avoid burnout. Sometimes, however, even the best leaders get burned out. If you’re now facing it, examine the cause list below to see what factors may be contributing to it. Then, take one proactive step this week from the cures list to take better care of yourself.

Christmas Urban Legends: Shepherds as Outcasts
The description of shepherds in the Old and New Testaments would be formative for the minds of first-century Jews and Christians.

Five Critical Mistakes To Avoid At Your Christmas Services
...there are at least five critical mistakes that, left unnoticed, can mean you miss the potential of reaching new people at Christmas.

Why Your Church Should Shorten Worship
People have more worship options than ever before. Remote and asynchronous worship experiences have become standard for many people. But one thing you may not have explored is experimenting with the length of worship. In this article I want to make the case for why your church should shorten worship.

15 Quick Tips For Better Christmas Preaching
Peter Mead offers a helpful list of 15 tips to make the most of your preaching this Christmas.

The Danger of Teaching Information Without Application
I believe the number one problem with preaching in America is its lack of application. Too many pastors use an academic model in which they simply lecture their congregations. As a result, people often walk out of worship services with their lives unchanged.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, December 8, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

We are apt to let Christmas overshadow Advent. What may be described as the hustle and bustle of the secular Christmas season, which begins on the day after Thanksgiving Day and in some retail stores before then, has come to influence the life of the Church and our lives too. In this Sunday’s message we explore how we might make our yearly observance of Advent more spiritually meaningful.

Readings: Malachi 3: 1-4, Philippians 3: 1-11, and Luke 3:1-6

Message: How to Keep a Holy Advent

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/12/sundays-at-all-hallows-sunday-december.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Have a Blessed Ancient, Weird, and Reformed Advent!' And More

Have a Blessed Ancient, Weird, and Reformed Advent!
There is a hunger in many Canadian Christians for practices which are truly old. So, why don’t you consider using a cycle of Bible reading and prayers for Advent which is both truly ancient and also reformed by the gospel?

The Advent Within: Preparing Our Hearts
What is less visible to many of us is Advent’s invitation to prepare for Christ’s coming, not only at the end of time or at the moment of our deaths, but in our hearts now.

3 Notes for Advent
Last Sunday (December 1st) was the first Sunday of Advent. Liturgically, it’s the beginning of the new church year. Practically, it’s the countdown to Christmas. It’s a season of waiting, expectation, anticipation, and heightened awareness that a special day is on the horizon. Some churches make a big deal of Advent and some churches skip over the whole thing and just start singing Christmas carols before people have even had a chance to finish their left-over Turkey. I’d like to make a case, in whatever church/denominational/liturgical setting you lead, that you try to aim for at least three things as you lead in Advent. Here are three notes for Advent....

The Future of Sermon Preparation and Delivery (The Next Five Years)
How will preachers study differently in the next few years? Josh and Sam talk about the changes in sermon preparation and delivery. The use of artificial intelligence is a major ethical consideration, but there are other issues at play. The coming shifts are more positive than negative.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Great Sermon
If there’s one thing you never set out to be as a leader or communicator, it’s boring. And yet everyone who communicates, preaches, or even tries to persuade someone of an idea has discovered that sinking sense that you’ve lost your audience. How exactly does that happen?

2 Contradictions To Remember Every Time You Preach
Effective preaching requires learning to negotiate the perilous waters between two vital strategies.
See also: Seminary-Trained Preachers Face Unique Flaws: Are Yours On The List?
Leading Youth Worship Night: Creative Ideas for Teens
Leading youth worship night lets teens deepen their faith and grow as leaders. Praise bands are an effective approach, but teens can worship in many ways. Students have amazing God-given gifts. And they can use them to minister powerfully to others! Try some of these ideas that have kids leading youth worship night.

Are You Faithful to Your Current Calling?
Working for the Lord without needing to be seen is a pivotal quality of a future missionary. We are tempted to think that, somehow, we will become more productive and reliable when we are on the field. However, how we live now is a litmus test for our time in the field.

Friday's Catch: 'Serious Ministry' And More

Serious Ministry
Serious ministry cares that each believer, young and old, is properly taught, cared for, and shepherded. Like business, serious ministry is a never-ending demand that must be met with rigorous planning, structure, and continual supervision. It considers very carefully not only the content of its discipleship, but its form: the way corporate worship is conducted, the way the programs are run, the way leaders are trained.
With church attendance declining and Christianity's influence waning in the United States, American Christians need to take ministry more seriously!
10 Powerful Ways to Grow Your Church
In an era of declining church attendance (and many other declining church statistics), how do you grow your church and advance your mission? Well, one way is this: You turn ordinary attendees into passionate champions of the mission.

Proposals Call for Decentering Canterbury’s Role in Anglican Communion
The Anglican Communion’s faith and order commission calls for a decentering of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s role in its structures as a “means of persevering together amid division.”

Next up: a female Archbishop of Canterbury?
Thirty years after Victoria Matthews became the first woman to be ordained a bishop in the Anglican Church of Canada, has the time come for a woman to serve as Archbishop of Canterbury?

Church of England enjoys strong turnout at Christmas and Easter but attendance remains below pre-pandemic levels
The Church of England has seen some growth in overall attendance in the last year, with services at Christmas and Easter continuing to be big draws for churches.
See also: Christmas and Easter congregations swell as Church of England sees third year of growth
Church of England parishes are 'in crisis'
The future of many Church of England parishes is in doubt as they struggle with crumbling buildings, declining attendance, and a fall in clergy numbers.
See also: Parishes need to be liberated from the bureaucratic burden
Warm hub brings cheer through the winter
A new warm space café in Dolgellau is helping the community combat the triple challenge of winter fuel costs, food poverty, and social isolation. Clwb Cawl, launched by churches in the Bro Cymer Ministry Area, provides both a warm space and hot meals during the coldest months of the year.

Merry Christmas?
How should we greet one another in December?

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Thursday' Catch: 'Less Than Half of Americans Attend Church at Christmas' And More

Less Than Half of Americans Attend Church at Christmas
A Lifeway Research study finds U.S. adults are split on whether they’ll be at church sometime this Christmas.

5 Reasons Why People May Attend Your Church This Christmas
This week, join hosts Scott Ball and A.J. Mathieu as they dive into an essential topic for the Advent season: "5 Reasons Why People May Attend Your Church This Christmas." During the episode, Scott and A.J. provide actionable insights on why individuals might be drawn to church during this festive period, breaking down what they call the "5 D's" – Development, Displacement, Death, Disaster, and Divorce. Whether it's seeking hope, community, or comfort, these reasons are particularly poignant during the Christmas season.

Sharing Jesus With the Lost This Christmas
You’ve probably preached Christmas messages from a variety of angles as well. But the most important perspective our communities need to understand is the purpose of Christmas.

Who was Good King Wenceslas?
Every Christmas, carol singers sing the song of Good King Wenceslas. But who was he? This is the story....

The Fun of Fighting Phantoms
Why step onto the battlefield where the culture wars rage if you can experience the thrill of a fight by shouting at your fellow soldiers in the barracks?

Listen To Your Sermon Just Before You Preach
Sermons are not made for paper--they're made for the human ear. Have you tried listening to yours?

Sing Out, All the Earth (Come, O God of All the Earth)"
This hymn, written by Marty Haugen who also composed its tune, SING OUT, was originally published in 1985. It is suitable for use in Advent. An octavo of the hymn is available from GIA.

3 Great Advent Ideas for Your Small Group
Advent season is around the corner. What will you encourage your groups to do, to prepare their hearts to focus on Jesus this season? Advent is also a great time to consider reaching out to your neighbors, friends, and family, sharing with them the real meaning behind Christmas. Below are Advent ideas for your small group....

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, December 5, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

For those who are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, it is one of two services of public worship offered by All Hallows Murray, a digital church and online worship ministry serving those who are for any reason unable to attend a church in their community, are homebound, are traveling, or are exploring the Christian faith and way of life.

The format used for Thursday Evenings at All Hallows is designed for families and small groups as well as individuals. In the case of families and small groups, different individuals can read the lessons and the message and lead the prayers. Directions for the service are printed in italics. The parts of the service printed in bold are said or sung by all. The exceptions are this introduction and the heading in bold caps at the beginning of each major section of the service. If a song is new or unfamiliar, listen to a verse or two and join in the remaining verses. The words printed in brackets [ ] may be omitted.

This evening’s message unpacks 2 Peter 3 and examines its implications for modern-day Christians.

Readings: Isaiah 2: 12-22; 2 Peter 3

Message: A Call to Repentance and Holy Living

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/12/thursday-evenings-at-all-hallows.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing a lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows the lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'Why Churches Are Not Inherently Safe Places' And More

Why Churches Are Not Inherently Safe Places
It’s understandable why people would think, “This place is full of Christians. It must be one of the safest places in my community.” But churches are not inherently safe. Quite the opposite. Churches have a target on them! You are a spiritual target for the powers of darkness. Sam Rainer and Matt McCraw discuss some key issues involving church safety.

4 Aspects of Developing Key Leaders
Churches should be run by teams of volunteers—those committed to work together for the cause of Christ, serving one another and the world, because they have been gifted and called to do so. Yet, this is an ongoing struggle for many churches. Perhaps it is an ongoing struggle for EVERY church.

Lamenting the decline in literacy? The church can help
Reading is an area in which the church historically has led the culture and is called to do so again.

Top Leading Ideas Articles of 2024
Please share these articles with your colleagues, congregations, and friends.

A Lay Preacher's Guide: How to Craft a Faithful Sermon (Working Preacher, 4)
In A Lay Preacher's Guide: How to Craft a Faithful Sermon, Karoline M. Lewis provides lay preachers with an essential and accessible guide to the basics of Sunday morning preaching.

Delivering the Sermon
When it comes to the art of delivering sermons, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But Matt Smethurst and (especially) Ligon Duncan have learned helpful lessons over the years. In this episode of The Everyday Pastor, Matt and Ligon offer practical tips to help pastors reflect on and improve their sermon delivery.

16 Advent Sermon And Worship Resources
Advent is a season of watching and waiting on our Lord Jesus. Here are 16 powerful Advent sermon and worship resources for your church.

You’re Exactly As Holy As You Want To Be
Even the most trying and difficult people cannot cause us to sin, even if they provide rich opportunities to do so.

Praying for Missionaries With Confidence
Praying for missionaries is an important missionary tool, and we make a grave mistake when we neglect it. Here are some ways to begin praying.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Structural Change in the Anglican Church of Canada' And More

Structural Change in the Anglican Church of Canada
Cole Hartin shares his thoughts on the challenges facing the commission tasked with exploring ways that the Anglican Church of Canada might continue to proclaim the gospel in the 21st century.

Is Christmas a Pagan Tradition?
Kev DeYoung debunks the widely-held but mistaken belief that Christmas was originally a pagan festival.

This Christmas, let’s make Jesus more than our mascot
Jesus did not come to be a mascot for the powerful. The simple antidote to claiming Jesus as our personal mascot is to return to the values Jesus displayed.

How do pastors lead amid cultural division?
Leaders in these times need to be curious about those we're trying to reach and to grow in our ability to disagree well.

2 Truths to Help Navigate Doctrinal Disagreement with Other Christians
Whenever we talk about doctrine—and Christians really get into theology—we can run into the potential problem of really sharp disagreements.

15 Great Christmas Sermon Tips Every Preacher Needs
There’s no shortage of advice for a Christmas sermon — and we need all the help we can get! Peter Mead of BiblicalPreaching.net offers 15 practical suggestions for your Christmas sermon. One or two are sure to fit your needs.

5 Great Christmas Illustrations to Share with Kids
One of the best ways to help kids remember Biblical truth is to tie it into something they are already familiar with. Each of these illustrations uses familiar Christmas items to teach kids God's truth. If you will use these illustrations, it will stick in kids' long term memory and each Christmas, even into adulthood, they will remember what you taught them when they see the object you used.

Christmas Fellowship Ideas for Your Small Group
During Christmas, we celebrate the life-changing fact that, in Christ, God drew near to humanity. As the angel proclaimed, Jesus really is good news of great joy for all people (Luke 2:10). What better time of year to engage your small group in meaningful—and fun—Christmas fellowship? You might even find that people who aren’t normally involved in your church could be open to Christmas fellowship ideas and service opportunities through your small group.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'The Urgent Reality of Church Safety' And More

Every church has a dual calling when it comes to the evils of the world: ensure safety and confront danger.

How Do Your Church’s Post-Pandemic Finances Compare with Other Churches?
Lovett H. Weems, Jr. shares information on how the pandemic affected congregations financially, drawing on data from a recent Hartford Institute report. Overall, the report found that the fiscal health of faith communities was not dramatically altered by the pandemic, with the majority of congregations reporting that they are in excellent or good financial health.
I am anticipating that churches are going to face rough times financially during the second Trump presidency as a number of Trump's economic proposals, if they are implemented, will raise the cost of living for many Americans and decrease their disposable income. They will also result in a slowdown of the economy and increased unemployment. This will negatively impact charitable giving. At the same time deep funding cuts will reduce the nation's social safety net, causing more people to turn to churches and other charitable organizations for help. With decreased charitable giving these organizations will not be in a good position to respond to the needs of those most affected by Trump's economic proposals.
Advent Invites Us to a Better Eschatology
The message of Advent is not simply “lift up your heads and keep hope burning,” but rather “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand,” and “bear fruits in keeping with repentance.” The eschatological dimension of the season is a call to conversion and a call to action. No, we will never construct the kingdom on this earth. No, we will never eradicate all injustice. But we will be judged, and judged by the standards of the kingdom, by the way we and our societies treat those who are most vulnerable.

4 Ways to Read the Christmas Story Like Jesus
From Jesus’s teaching on the road to Emmaus, we learn four important lessons for reading the Christmas story.

VOICES: Unmasking UFOs, aliens and demonic deception
As reported by The Economist earlier this year, "UFOs are Going Mainstream." Believe it or not, 20 million people in the United States claim to have seen a UFO, and four million claim to have been abducted by aliens. So, what in the world is going on here? Are UFOs and "aliens" real?

What do Christians have to say about death?
The fact that death is coming for all of us, raises the inevitable question of how we should view it. Is it something we should be afraid of, or not?

Encouragement for Those Ignored
If your goal is to make an impact in your career or calling, it won’t be long before you meet someone who doesn’t recognize (or even dismisses) your talent.

Eleven Hindrances to Answered Prayer
What are some of the most common hindrances to answered prayer?

Image Credit: Church Answers