Saturday, July 13, 2013

CALL TO PRAYER: Praying for inner-city ministry

The North American Mission Board has targeted reaching the urban centers of the United States and Canada with a two-pronged initiative -- a massive church planting initiative called Send North America and a parallel LoveLoud evangelistic ministry emphasis.

These two initiatives address what Donald McGavran, the father of the modern church growth movement, observed as "redemption and lift" -- the transformation that takes place when communities are reached with the Gospel.

Every community has needs. The sheer number of people in the inner cities amplifies the brokenness of our sin-infected and impoverished world. If we are to reclaim our nation with the Gospel, there is a tremendous need for healthy churches to reach out to these teeming masses.

NAMB's LoveLoud emphasis has a threefold strategy: mobilize your church to love neglected neighbors, to love neglected communities and to love neglected children.  Read more
What is your denomination, judicatory (diocese, presbytery, synod, etc.), and local church doing to reach the urban centers of North America?

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