Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Evangelical Alliance: Church's task is to model marriage to a society that has forgotten what it is

Marriage has not been extended; it has been redefined and effectively privatised to privilege adult choice. The changes have stripped husband and wife of their obvious meaning and marginalised adultery and consummation. Marriage has been made into a fluid, gender-neutral institution defined by consumer demands and political expediency.

The state has created a form of marriage that is no longer the lifelong union between a man and a woman for the procreation of children and the foundation of family life. They have decided that it should be something other than what it has been throughout history and different from its natural and biblical meaning.

It is now the task of the Church to model marriage to a society that has forgotten what it is. In the light of pressures that Christians and others will no doubt face in coming years, this new legal fiction provides a chance to model and reach what marriage really is. Read more

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