Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to raise boys in the era of internet porn

A great deal of parenting is timeless, but some things change so fast you can barely blink, and one of those is the rise of internet porn. For parents of both boys and girls, this is creating a surge of new dilemmas to solve.

When I first wrote Raising Boys, I was still acutely conscious of the harm done to so many of my adult male clients by the prudish, if not repressive, atmosphere around sexuality just 50 years ago. Male sexuality was an ashamed sexuality, whether masked by jokey coarseness or being painfully shy.

To achieve better relations between the sexes, we needed to restore a healthy and life-affirming openness, with better information about how our bodies worked and why. Raising Boys Mark I let parents know that a mid-teen boy would have orgasms in his sleep, and also hand-assisted ones powered by his imagination, and that these were merely nature's way of keeping his sperm supply healthy, as well as developing a happy and life-affirming sense of the joy that lay ahead with real-life partners. Read more

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