Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Ministry of God's Word in the Twenty-First Century

Two Things You Must Do with Your Sermons

As you drive home from church on Sunday afternoon, how do you evaluate your sermon? Do you aim for less droopy eyes than last week? Do you base it on positive comments from your congregation as they shuffle out of the sanctuary?

When God judges the ministry of those who teach his word, God will not ask around to see how much people enjoyed your preaching.

He is going to use two measurements. Read more

Sermon Prep for the Bivocational Pastor

Over the last two weeks, I have offered up my thoughts about serving bivocationally in ministry through my Reflections and Navigating posts. After both posts, I have had friends ask specifically about how I prepare for sermons with a full-time job. Most of the time, I want to say: poorly, by the skin of my teeth, barely in the nick of time. Read more

The Biggest Mistakes Young Preachers Make[VIDEO]

The call to proclaim God's Word is a weighty and thrilling stewardship. No preacher has everything figured out—especially those entering the pulpit for the first time. In this new video, Tullian Tchividjian, Voddie Baucham, and Russell Moore discuss common blunders new preachers make. Read more and view video

The Twin Temptations of Pragmatism and Authoritarianism

It is easy for church leaders to look only to their left or only to their right in seeking to avoid the errors of others. Something I have learned from watching Tim Keller is the importance of looking in both directions. Hence, the man always seems to have a “third way” on offer.

When the topic turns to philosophy of ministry or church practice, it has been the tendency of 9Marks writers like myself to look leftward toward the squishy tendencies of mainstream evangelicalism. This is a response to the evangelicalism of my youth that was constantly anxious to avoid slipping too far rightward toward some type of authoritarian fundamentalism.

Many things in life are binary, and there is no third way. But I do believe there are errors both to the right and to the left of a biblical philosophy of ministry. On the left are the errors of pragmatism, and on the right are the errors of authoritarianism. What’s most striking to me is what they share in common. Read more

Enrichment Journal: Preaching: Credibility, Content, and Connection in the Ministry of God’s Word - Winter 2013

In 1 Corinthians 9:16, Paul said, “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of; for necessity is laid upon me; yea woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel.” Name any other profession: schoolteacher, counselor, politician, surgeon, lawyer, businessman, or whatever other profession you wish, and preaching is more significant because preaching turns sinners into saints, and gives guidance to life not only for time, but also for eternity. What other work can be more important than that of the preacher? Therefore, preaching is the theme of the winter 2013 issue of Enrichment. The theme is divided into three categories: the character of the preacher, the subject of the sermon, and its relevance to the audience.

The issue includes informative and practical articles by Dan Betzer, Doug Clay, Herbert Cooper, Jodi Detrick, Dick Foth, Debbie Gill, Doug Green, Bryan Jarrett, Steve Lim, DeLonn Rance, Rick Warren, and others. Read articles

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