Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tips from TED: Why Your Messages Should Be 18 Minutes or Less

I love watching a good TED talk. They are inspiring, informative, challenging and most importantly, short. Short works perfectly in our easily distracted society. 18 minutes or less is the strict stipulation given to every speaker without exception.

The curator of TED, Chris Anderson, explains in an interview that a presentation that is 18 minutes or less makes it long enough for people to take the idea being shared seriously and short enough that it will hold their attention. It also forces the speaker, who might be used to speaking over 45 minutes, to boil down the essential information in their presentation and focus on a main idea. This allows for their message to be simplified, so a broader audience can digest the content. Then, because the topic is short and simple enough for people to listen and digest the information, it makes it much easier for the audience to take action, which is to share the information with others. Distilling the message down in this way make it a perfect vehicle to fulfill TED’s mission: “Ideas Worth Spreading.”

These same elements can be applied to communicating the greatest idea on the planet: the Gospel. Short. Simple. Shareable. Read more

Also see
18-Minute Sermons? Pastors Blast TED Inspired Advice
About TED

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