Saturday, August 03, 2013

You Asked: Am I Disqualified from Ministry?

Because of the personal and sensitive nature of this question, we changed the name, city, and state.

Rick R. from Runfield, Wisconsin, asks:
I have moments where my past of sexual immorality haunts me. I'm 23. A few years ago I used to lead worship in college ministry but was walking in sexually immorality. God convicted me of what it really meant to be a member of church, and I joined a church and quickly confessed my sin to older men in the church who removed me from worship leading and got me help. Two years later, I'm married now and walking in light and confessing little parts of my flesh that still desire old sinful ways (I've been faithful to my wife and pray God will continue to protect my new marriage). My question comes still, am I disqualified from ministry? I wasn't married during that time, but I fear sometimes I've just sinned too much to be used in formal church ministry. I was sinning as a leader in a ministry. I'm not doubting my salvation, just haunted sometimes about if I'll ever be able to be used by God or not.
We posed this question to Scotty Smith, founding pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee, and a Council member with The Gospel Coalition. Read more

Also see
Judges 14; Acts 18; Jeremiah 27; Mark 13

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