Saturday, November 16, 2013

D J Chuang: Why Evangelicals Don't Know Asian Americans

We have quite a way to go towards ending racial stereotyping in Christendom

The posting of An Open Letter from the Asian American Community to the Evangelical Church (dated 10/13/13) illustrated how we have quite a ways to go towards ending racial stereotyping in Christendom and developing a missional church that's contextualized for all peoples.

Coincidentally by the sovereignty of God, I've had a unique vantage point on these series of events because I've got good relationships and friendships on all "sides" involved. It grieved me to see my family members unable to resolve their differences.

Before I unpack some of the multi-layer complexities to begin to understand why all this was so challenging, I'll briefly comment on 2 resolved incidents that I'm most familiar with. Keep reading

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