Saturday, November 16, 2013

News from the Anglican Network in Canada: St Hilda's sold and demolished

Anglican Samizdat reports on the sale and demolition of the former St. Hilda’s Anglican Church building in Oakville, Ontario. The congregation lost it to the Diocese of Niagara in 2012 after leaving the Anglican Church of Canada. via Anglican Eessentials Canada blog.

Related: Earlier ACL posts.
Bishop Charlie Masters at GAFCON 2013.
Originally posted on the Anglican Church League website.

The Canadian courts have ruled against the Anglican Network in Canada in all property cases to date. The challenges that ANIC congregations and clergy face in Canada are daunting to say the least. This is why the Anglican Church in North America needs a service book designed for the North American mission field, and not the missal and breviary that the Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force produced and the College of Bishops approved. Texts for Common Prayer shows how out of touch the Liturgy and Common Worship Task Force and the College of Bishops are with reality.

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