Saturday, November 16, 2013

Scott Attebery: God Does Big Things In Small Churches

Remember the Pepsi Challenge? It was a marketing campaign in the 80’s where people would be offered two unmarked cups. One contained Coke and the other contained Pepsi. After taking a sip of both, the participants would be asked to reveal which one they liked the best

. Apparently more people picked Pepsi. At least, that’s what their ads led us to believe. (Incidentally, Malcolm Gladwell has a great chapter in his book, Blink, which explains the flaws of this taste test).

Comparing two different brands of soft drinks makes sense to us. However, what if someone ran the same test, except this time using the same brand? Let’s say the only difference would be the size of the cup. Wouldn’t you think that was a strange comparison? Does anybody really think that a 24oz cup of Pepsi tastes better than an 16oz cup? No matter the size, the contents would be the same –and that’s what matters!

I think we would all agree that testing by size would be ridiculous and illogical.

So why, then, do we often measure the effectiveness of a church by its size? A church of 50 and a church of 5,000 are both full of the same thing: Followers of Christ! Keep reading

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