Wednesday, December 04, 2013

ACR Online – Forget the Channel

The 21st century saw incredible communication breakthroughs with a soaring use of social media. Social media has given us ways of communicating that is unparalleled in digital history. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, microblogging have all become household terms. Amongst infinite possibilities, social media has opened up tremendous opportunities for Christians to speak in the world. The internet can be a wonderful place in which resources can be shared and received, in spite of geographical distances between us. In a generation of fleeting entertainment and shallow thinking, Christians can use social media to exercise their imagination and creativity to commend the gospel by speaking the truth in love.

And Christians must speak! We have more reasons to speak than anybody else in the world. Scriptures deride other gods as wood and stone, the works of human hands that neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell (c.f. Deut. 4:28). More than the followers of any other gods, or adherents to any other faith, we speak because our God has spoken.1 And we speak because we know and serve this God who has spoken. Keep reading

Also see Action urged against Internet firewalls of Iran, China, other repressive regimes

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