Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ed Stetzer: Two Grids Every Church Pastor/Planter/Missionary Must Use: Missiological Grid

Our theology should serve as the foundation and motivating factor for our missiology.

As I wrote before, no one thinks they are on the extremes theologically-speaking. But, we should all recognize that we can drift away from a biblically-centered viewpoint.

Part of that means that pastors/church planters/missionaries must be grounded in the gospel, viewing everything through a theological grid. On the other side, however, they must also be concerned about the missiological realities of the communities to which God has called them.

Previously, I explained why we need the theological grid. Today, I want to talk about how important it is we see church planting through a missiological grid as well. Keep reading

Also see
Two Grids Every Church Pastor / Planter / Missionary Must Use: Theological Grid

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