Monday, December 09, 2013

Has the internet increased or decreased connectivity?

Scrolling through Twitter, texting a friend and playing games on an iPad while watching TV sounds like a bit of a headache, but for today's digital generation it's become the norm.

The results of a new survey indicate that the average UK teenager owns up to six digital devices - a Smartphone, TV, laptop, games console, tablet and digital camera.

Generation Z, otherwise known as the iGeneration, spans from those born in 1992 to 2010. Most of those born in this period have grown up with a plethora of handheld digitally-enabled devices at their fingertips and many will not even remember a time without the internet.

The capacity of today's young people to utilise technology to their advantage and their ability to multitask could mean a generation of tech-whizzes in the future who will ensure the UK is at the forefront of digital and technological innovation.

The research that accompanies this new survey from IT firm Logicalis indicates that "nurturing this generation's digital capabilities could bring significant economic value to UK plc and increase the UK's competitiveness in the international market".

The concern of many, however, is the more current effect that such a focus on technology is having on young people. Keep reading

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