Monday, December 09, 2013

Joe McKeever: 10 Signs You are Part of an Unhealthy Church

Recently, when an online magazine sent me an article on "5 signs you're part of an unhealthy church," I eagerly opened it. This subject is dear to my heart.

I am passionate about strong, healthy churches.

The writer's 5 signs were good, as far as they went. No argument with her. I did not leave a comment one way or the other in response.

What I felt, however, is that my experience seems to be of another nature from hers.

First, here are her "5 signs you are part of an unhealthy church."

1) Leadership has no clear vision.

2) Leadership can never be challenged.

3) You are comfortable but never challenged.

4) Members are content with being pew warmers.

5) Outreach is never planned or preached.

All of these are true. But there is so much more. Keep reading

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