Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Matt Smethurst: Glory, Truth, Beauty: 500 Years of Reflection on Revelation

What is the Bible? Your answer to that question reveals one of the most important things about you. Almost 50 years since the publication of Edward Young's influential Thy Word Is Truth, the title of which was derived from Christ's declaration to the Father in John 17 ("Your word is truth"), the time has come for a fresh, contemporary, and comprehensive treatment showcasing the breadth and depth of Reformed reflection on Scripture over the past 500 years. And Thy Word Is Still Truth: Essential Writings on the Doctrine of Scripture from the Reformation to Today (P&R, 2013) is nothing if not comprehensive.

Weighing in at 1,392 pages, this towering tome is an anthology of texts—chapters, excerpts, articles, essays, confessions—demonstrating the robust unity on bibliology that has always marked the Reformation tradition. With 64 chapters and contributions spanning from Martin Luther to John Frame, this heavily commended volume (no fewer than 32 endorsements) is a vital resource on the nature and purpose and beauty of holy Scripture.

I talked with editors Richard Gaffin and Peter Lillback about Thy Word Is Still Truth, why post-conservatives might not read it, Peter Enns and Christian Smith, and more. Keep reading

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