Monday, December 09, 2013

Rick Warren on Redefining Marriage: I Fear God's Disapproval More Than Man's

Pastor Rick Warren of Southern California's Saddleback megachurch explained his position on tolerance, homosexuality and marriage during an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN, telling the journalist he is most concerned about the attempts to redefine the term "marriage."

"While I may disagree with you on your views on sexuality, this does not give me the right to demean you, to demoralize you, to defame you, to turn you into a demon," Pastor Warren stressed on the onset.

Tolerance, Warren said, used to mean that we treat each other with mutual respect even if we have major disagreements. But that has changed.

"Today, tolerance has been changed to mean, all ideas are equally valid," Warren told Morgan. "Well, that's non-sense, OK. All ideas are not equally valid. You can say the moon is made of cheese, or I can say the moon is made of beans..." Keep reading

Rick Warren's Views on Homosexuality [Video]

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