Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bob Smietana: Research: Racial Diversity at Church More Dream Than Reality

Having a racially diverse church remains more dream than reality for most Protestant pastors. More than eight in ten (85 percent) say every church should strive for racial diversity, according to a survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research.
But few have diverse flocks.

Most (86 percent) say their congregation is predominately one racial or ethnic group.

It’s a reality that once led the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., to call Sunday mornings the most segregated time of the week.

Today, diverse churches remain rare, said Ed Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research, partly because of human nature.

“Everybody wants diversity,” said Stetzer. “But many don’t want to be around people who are different.” Keep reading

Also see
Christian George: From Racism to Gracism

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