Saturday, January 18, 2014

Karl Vaters: Thinking Like a Great Small Church – Part 1 [Video]

A Small Church can be a great church.

If The Grasshopper Myth were to be summed up in one sentence, that would be it. That is also the topic of some of my most widely read blog posts.

But how?

How do we help a struggling Small Church become a great one?

In October of 2013, held a Small Church Pastors Workshop to start addressing that issue. Today, the first teaching video from that Workshop is finally here!

This 32-minute video is my opening talk at the workshop. In it, I introduce the first step in becoming a great Small Church – starting to think like one. Then, I walk through a handful of starter ideas that virtually any church can implement to start making that happen.
Principles that are covered include

This is the first of several videos from the workshop that I’ll be posting over the next few Fridays. Keep reading

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