Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mark Driscoll: How can a big church possibly care for people well?

It’s a common assumption that large churches don’t care for people as well as smaller churches. But by structuring global and local leadership well, large churches can actually care for people even better.

God does not prefer big churches over small churches any more than godly parents prefer tall children over short ones.

Churches, like children, have in the complexity of their DNA a natural size they will reach if healthy and then not grow beyond that. Because of sickness, churches, like children, can also have their growth stunted. The issue is not whether a church is large or small, but whether it is healthy or unhealthy.

However, one of the common assumptions is that larger churches do not care for people as well as smaller churches. Having been the pastor of the same church for what is now 18 years, I am very certain we take much better care of our people today than we did when we were small.

How can this be? Well, it’s not easy. We have room to grow and do better, and by God’s grace we will. But there are some principles we’ve learned that may be of help to you and your ministry no matter what size it is. Keep reading

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