Saturday, March 15, 2014

I Reject Christianity Because _______________

Don't impose your exclusive views on me.

How can you believe in a God who'd allow so much senseless evil and suffering?

On what basis do you believe Jesus rose from the dead—besides blind faith, of course?

No religion has the whole truth—including yours.

Whether couched as questions or assertions, we've all encountered objections like these. Perhaps you've even voiced a few yourself. For some, of course, they're smokescreens. For many others, though, they sincerely express confusion, frustration, uncertainty, and unbelief. As Christians we seek to prompt unbelievers to "doubt their doubts," as Tim Keller puts it, but we must do so with patient love (2 Tim. 2:24-26). Our friends—and their objections—deserve to be treated with fairness and respect.

In the spirit of those old "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories, James Anderson utilizes a creative approach in his new book, What's Your Worldview?: An Interactive Approach to Life's Big Questions (Crossway). In it he leads readers on an "interactive journey of discovery" aimed at helping us identify, understand, and evaluate our various worldviews. At a little more than 100 pages, What's Your Worldview? would make for a winsome, non-threatening conversation starter with that skeptical friend or family member you love.

I posed four popular objections to Anderson, professor of theology and philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, in light of his new book. Keep reading

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