Thursday, November 13, 2014

Money and the Church: Three Articles

How To Give Money Less Power Over Your Church

Money is in charge of too many of our churches.

We all know about the (so-called) churches, ministers and ministries that are in it for the money, while using their religious exemption to avoid taxes. Those aren’t the ones I’m talking about. I’ll leave them to the Lord and the IRS. (Thankfully, those are far more rare than the anti-church cynics want to believe.)

I’m talking about good churches that want to do great ministry, but their limited finances cause them to make too many decisions based on what they can or can’t afford, instead of what God is calling them to do.

It’s a trap too many good churches find ourselves in. Maybe yours.

There are no easy answers, but in today’s post I want to tell you about a decision my church made over two decades ago that has been a great starting point in allowing us to follow God more and money less. Read more

Why Aspiring Ministers Should Avoid Student Loan Debt

In 2012, 69% of new college graduates had taken on student loans to cover their education cost. The average debt was double the amount of graduates 20 years ago. Pew Research reported that even among students of high-income families, the percent of students using loans to finance their education had significantly increased.

It is unfortunate that student loan debt is so common. It is weight that slows the launch of many new careers. And it is no different with aspiring ministers. Those who feel called to ministry should carefully consider potential consequences of taking on a significant debt load to cover their education. If you are an aspiring minister, here are some reasons to avoid student loan debt.... Read more

A Tax Reminder for Donors

Add this message to your church bulletin or newsletter. Read more

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