Saturday, January 17, 2015

Issues in Church Leadership: Four Articles

3 Hard But Powerful Truths about Likeability and Leadership

So you probably want people to like you. Who doesn’t?

Often when people say they don’t care whether people like them, it’s because they used to care whether people like them, but they got burned and as a result have become a bit jaded, closed and maybe even cynical.

If we’re gut-honest with each other, most of us would rather be liked rather than not liked.

The rise of social media makes this tension even more present daily. Did anyone ever post a picture or update and not want it to be liked or shared? Social media is turning already insecure leaders into like-aholics.

Which poses a challenge for all of us who lead.

Do we lead? Or should we be likeable?

Can you lead and be likeable?

And what happens if you choose one over the other?

This is a tension that ruins a lot of leadership potential. But it can be managed. Here’s how. Keep reading

5 Mistakes All Leaders Make

About 18 months ago, I stepped away from my position at 3DM as the Director of Content. While some of my time went to overseeing the development of content and resources, the majority of my time was spent building and leading Learning Communities designed to train, consult and equip pastors in all kinds of churches; helping them put discipleship and mission at the center of everything their communities do.

As I stepped back into local church ministry at Summit Church, my strong sense was that the Lord was asking me to take an extended time away from any kind of writing and training beyond my own local context. In fact, it’s only been within the last month that I feel like God has been nudging me back to that world.

And so speaking as someone who simply leads in a local church, seeking to equip, empower and release God’s people into their mission in His world, it seemed appropriate to first share some of the things I’ve learned in the last 18 months (which while not being the largest sample size, is still a good, sizable ‘chunk’ of time).

Moreover, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the best learning comes through the many, many mistakes you make. Much, if not most, of what I’ve learned are the mistakes we’ve made along the way. Keep reading

16 Ways to Think Like a Leader

The title of leader is common, even cheap. But, a person who thinks like a leader is a thing of beauty.

The first step toward becoming a leader is thinking like one.

Leadership is determined by the way you think about yourself, others, results, and organizations. Keep reading

You Feel You Are To Be A Leader, But You Aren’t Yet Leading — Here Are 5 Possible Reasons

Let’s be honest. Leadership is an attractive subject to many. I talk with so many younger people, and some my age, who want to be in leadership. They may feel they’ve been passed up, haven’t been given their chance (or second chance) or they sometimes they are patiently (or not so patiently) waiting.

I understand. If you are prone to leadership, or have your eye on being a leader, nothing quite satisfies you until you get to do what you think you’re ready to do.

But, in my observation, there may be some common reasons you aren’t yet leading. Perhaps understanding them can help you, if you’re in that situation. I’ll follow each one with my advice. Keep reading

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