Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Keeping Small Groups Evangelistic

How to maintain an evangelistic focus in your small-group ministry.

Most healthy churches have both open and closed groups. Open groups use an ongoing curriculum that allows guests to enter the study at any point; emphasize evangelism, with the goal of becoming an entry point for guests; and strive to grow enough to multiply at least annually. Closed groups use a set curriculum that limits entrance once a study has started; typically meet for a set number of weeks; and emphasize discipleship, with the goal of strengthening a believer’s walk.

The problem in most churches is this: open groups become closed groups when steps are not taken to avoid this direction. Because evangelism is difficult, many open groups see few unbelievers attending their group. The evangelistic focus thus quietly disappears as the group slowly becomes closed. How does a church make sure that open groups remain evangelistic? Read more

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