Friday, January 02, 2015

What happened when I emailed 100 Australian churches

Prior to Christmas, I shared the statistic that 58% of Australian church websites weren’t displaying Christmas service times.

d what For a visitor interested in attending a church service at Christmas, this lack of information communicates one of two thing.... Read more

See also
58% of church websites are missing Christmas service times
This failure to appreciate the value of a website is not confined to Australia or to churches. It includes Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries and denominations and judicatories.I frequently come across websites that are poorly-designed and static, contain little information, and what information they do contain is often out of date. A number of websites  have a "members only" policy when it comes to accessing newsletters and the like. The impression they give to visitors to the website is not a positive one.

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