Friday, January 09, 2015

When Big Is Not Beautiful

Evangelism is aimed at reaching the maximum number of people with the gospel in the shortest possible time. We are always conscious that the “harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few”. We know, too, that some forms of evangelism are done in such a way that, although the gospel may well be ‘said’, it is never really ‘heard’.

To evaluate any piece of evangelism there are some questions which need to be asked:
Were there outsiders present?
Was the gospel truly preached?
Was it preached in categories which could be readily understood by those who were listening?
Were people able to listen with ease, or did the ‘atmosphere’ inhibit listening?
Over the last couple of years, I have spoken at several meetings where the large number of people present, in my opinion, has inhibited people’s ability to listen to the gospel with ease. Read more

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