Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Five Facts about the Sign in Front of Your Church

Since Scripture doesn’t mention “church buildings”–other than people’s homes–we have no explicit teachings concerning their function, architecture, or anything else. Therefore, a sign in front of the church to identify certain details about the congregation is also foreign to Scripture, a small innovation made necessary by the cultures of which we are a part. So, the principles here are basic common sense…I hope. Keep reading
Not only is the sign in front of your church important, so are the signs at highway and street intersections giving directions to your church. A number of church buildings were constructed in less than ideal locations such as in the midst of a subdivision rather than on a major artery. At the time it was thought that the location was ideal: The church building would be a convenient place of worship for the people building or buying new homes in the subdivision. However, the thinking behind the location of the church failed to take into consideration changes in church attendance patterns. People no longer attend a church because it is near to their homes. The result has been a number of church buildings that are not highly visible or easily accessible. 

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