Tuesday, November 21, 2017

4 Sure Signs Your Church Needs More First-Time Guests

Why isn’t your church growing? So many church leaders are wrestling with that question. They are looking at the dynamics of what’s happening in their church and trying to sort out where the “problem” is.

Is it that your church doesn’t have enough first-time guests coming through the front door? Or is it that people are falling through the cracks and not sticking & staying at your church? Diagnosing the issue doesn’t need to be complex and convoluted. This is an answerable question!

As I’ve worked with churches across the country pondering over these issues (and more importantly trying to find a solution to it), I’ve bumped into these sure signs that are evident in churches that aren’t seeing enough first-time guests arriving at their church. Is your church seeing these dynamics at play in your church? Read More


Ken said...

I'm in a storefront parish of about 20 to 25 ASA. Lose a few members of the past 2 years. We are wanting to grow, but as a group we don't have many ideas.

Robin G. Jordan said...

Would you be comfortable sharing more about your church with Anglicans Ablaze readers?

I would like to hear more about its history, the makeup of the congregation, the community in which it is located, its demographics and cultural landscape, the extent of your church members' involvement with community, a typical Sunday morning, that sort of thing.

Ken said...

I can. Email OK instead of in the comments?

Robin G. Jordan said...

Sure. The email address for Anglicans Ablaze is exploringananglicanprayerbookATgmailDOTcom.

Ken said...

I sent a little report. You should have it at the email address provided.