Thursday, November 30, 2017

Want To Pastor A Church You Love? Love The Church You’re Pastoring

What if every pastor saw their church, not as a stepping-stone to something bigger, but as an investment to make with all their heart and soul?

Have you ever had a chat with someone who was constantly looking over your shoulder to see if there’s someone better to talk to?

A lot of us may be doing that to the church we’re pastoring.

One of the main reasons many churches stay unhealthy is that too many pastors aren’t putting their heart into the ministry they have.

Instead, they’re looking for something bigger.

This makes the church they are supposed to be pastoring feel overlooked and neglected. That’s not a great recipe for a healthy ministry or a healthy church.

What would happen if every pastor of every small church saw their ministry, not as a stepping-stone to something bigger, but as an investment to make with all their heart and soul? Read More

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