Wednesday, August 17, 2005

St. John the Evangelist's Summer of Missions

[Anglican Mission inAmerica] August 1, 2005--The long-standing mission work of St. John’s, in Southampton Pennsvlvania, continues in 2005 with exciting work around the world. In early July, Naomi, Edwin and Owen Morris departed for a several week visit to China. “Ever since we left Hong Kong in 1994, we have thought about returning to Asia some day.” The Morris’ traveled to support a Christian organization called the Jian Hua Foundation (translated to “Build China”), which sends professional people to underdeveloped areas of China. Christian businessmen in Hong Kong founded Jian Hua in 1981 with a vision for reaching people in China through humanitarian services. Jian Hua has grown to over 200 full time Christian teachers, doctors, agriculturalists, social workers and other professionals in neglected areas of China from Mongolia to Tibet, showing that Christ cares for Chinese people.

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