Thursday, August 17, 2006

Making Disciples: Connecting Evangelism and Discipleship

[TheoCenTric] 17 Aug 2006--In its fullest sense “making disciples” comprises both the process of evangelism that leads to the act of conversion sealed by baptism and the lifelong process of discipleship consisting of the continuing efforts of the Christian convert to practice the teachings of Christ. Not only are both inseparably connected but both inform and shape the other. The gospel -- the “evangel” of evangelism -- constantly informs and shapes the convert's discipleship. Discipleship is the sustained attempt to embody the “evangel.” Evangelism has no power if it does not lead to discipleship. Discipleship has no meaning if not rooted in the evangel. Serious damage is done to the Christian life and message when evangelism and discipleship are separated. A church that desires to faithfully execute Christ's “great commission” will therefore commit itself to both evangelism and discipleship.

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