Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Uganda Field Worship

[Prayer Book Society of USA] 6 Dec 2006--The Christians in the village churches are poor.
Most of them do not own a prayer book or bible. You can buy a local language prayer book (1662
BCP translated) in Kampala, a day’s trip from most of the country, but it is of very poor quality and quite likely out of print. There is a market for prayer books, of course, but almost no printer will undertake the effort to print 5000 copies of the prayer book in, say, Lugbara or Runyoro, when he cannot be sure of recovering his investment. So most of the Christians have never thumbed their fingers through the pages of a prayer book, a hymnbook, or even a bible. Everything they know about Christianity and about the Lord has come to them orally
or through fellowship with other believers. And is this not as it should be?

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