Friday, June 22, 2007

Bumpy road to Winnipeg - General Synod poised to make decisions against a backdrop of Communion unrest and agitation

[Integrity/Toronto] 22 June 2007--There has been a lot of activity in Anglican circles around the world since the last issue of Integrator. We'll attempt to summarise them in this issue, and give a picture of the state of affairs as we prepare for General Synod in Winnipeg in late June.

This has been a very difficult issue of Integrator to put together. These are stressful times for the Anglican Communion, especially for those (like Integrity supporters) who want the church to change current policies, and move towards acceptance of its lesbian and gay members. There is a constant threat of schism hanging over all the discussions: if you change this, the church will break apart (and conversely, if you-liberal-types stop agitating for change, and leave the church as-is, it will stay together). Various events - like the Primates' meeting, the invitation list to Lambeth 2008, and indeed the actions of General Synod this summer , have all been seen as signs of impending schism. It isn't pleasant to sit under the sword of Damocles, and those threats - whether real, or drummed up by one party or another - do not make for the best atmosphere to make decisions in.

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