Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Parish in Western Michigan Departs, Realigns with Uganda


[Stand Firm] 13 Nov 2007--On October 31st,the Rector (the Rev. Andrew Gross), the Assistant to the Rector (the Rev. Summer Gross), and 7/8ths of the Vestry resigned from the Church of the Epiphany Episcopal in South Haven, Michigan, and left with the majority of the parish to form Holy Trinity Anglican Church. The newly formed church held its first service Sunday, November 4th and intends to come under the pastoral direction of Bishop John Guernsey of Uganda. The Vestry members who tendered their resignations were: Walt Sicard, Todd Brugh, Ron Darling, Mark Lewis, Kim Maxwell, Lynne Maxwell, and John Michkovits.

You can learn more about Holy Trinity at http://www.holytrinityanglicansouthhaven.com

Related article:
Report from the Field: Life on the Ground for a Priest in Western Michigan in the Past Year - Stand Firm

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