Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A senior warden in The Episcopal Church’s resignation speech


[Anglican Mainstream] 6 Nov 2007--Does the Danger Really Exist?

Some of you doubt the very notion that there’s a serious and divisive situation in the Episcopal Church today. Please don’t rely on me or any one person to sway you. Make your own decision from the following facts and then decide on your own whether this is serious enough:

Over 40,000 faithful Episcopalians left the Church last year (didn’t just change congregations, but left it altogether).

100 entire congregations have left together to form new churches or worship under the protection of foreign Anglican primates or bishops.

11 dioceses have formed a Network within the Episcopal Church structure in opposition to the direction their Church is going.

These dioceses represent 1,100 clergy, 735 congrega-tions and 176,000 faithful communicants.

Cathedrals and multi-million dollar retreat centers are being closed down and sold to raise money for the Episcopal Church due to losses of parishioners who took their money with them.

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