Monday, February 25, 2008

Episcopalian Responses in Baylor Religion Survey

[mySite] 25 Feb 2008--I have seen and heard some statements that theology and practice among different groups within the the Episcopal Church has diverged so much that there are now essentially two different religions. Lots of anecdotal evidence, and reports from General Conventions indicate that there are differences among the leadership and delegates. However, how much does that represent the "parishoner in the pew"?

I recently learned about the Baylor Religion Survey. This 2005 survey by Gallup covered a broad sample of Americans. The questions asked people to identify their religious affiliation and identity. Using that information, I extracted data on Episcopalians/Agnlicans. Assuming that the respondents to the survey represent the parishoner, we can learn something about how diverse Episcopalians are, and how representative the delegates and press stories are of the overall view. So here are some relatively simple cross-tabs of the data in the survey.

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