Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Conservatives spurn Lambeth in favour of GAFCON/Uganda press release


[EV News] 17 June 2008--The Times reports today that 280 Anglican bishops from conservative dioceses around the world are to boycott next month’s Lambeth Conference and attend the alternative Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Jordan which meets 22-29th of June.

The conference has been organised by the conservative Archbishops of Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, the Southern Cone in South America, Sydney and evangelicals from the United States and Britain including Wallace Benn, of Lewes.

They are attending GAFCON instead of Lambeth "because of their emphasis on a Bible-based Christianity that rules out many of the liberal developments in the Western Church, such as the increasing acceptance of homosexuality."They are attending GAFCON instead of Lambeth "because of their emphasis on a Bible-based Christianity that rules out many of the liberal developments in the Western Church, such as the increasing acceptance of homosexuality."

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