Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Why are the evangelical bishops so silent? - Andrew Carey


[Anglican Mainstream] 7 Oct 2008--Why have the evangelical bishops of the Church of England not signed this letter ( of support for Bishop Duncan published by the Bishops of Exeter, Chester, Rochester, Winchester, Blackburn and Chichester) or issued similar statements of support? Where are the likes of Bristol, Liverpool, Carlisle, Oxford, Durham, Lichfield, Croydon on the propriety of Bishop Dincan’s deposition.

If they are about to do so, I hope they will forgive me. But it is time that the evangelical Bishops of the Church of Engand actually began to make a stand on something that counts. The lawlessness, unilateralism, and theological heterodoxy of The Episcopal Church has put our Communion in danger today and threatens the unity of the Church of England tomorrow. Where will they stand?

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