Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Anglican Church seeks converts at a 'sinema' near you

The Anglican Church is making a radical bid for new recruits by holding Sunday services in a city cinema.

Evangelical Christian churches started the trend to hold services at movie theatres at Chadstone, Northland and Eastland.

And now a mainstream church is ''bringing the church to the people'' by offering teenagers and young adults a Sunday morning choice - Hangover 2 or the word of God at Hoyts in Melbourne Central.

There are no white robes, silverware or sandstone pillars. Pastor Guy Mason, 31, wears jeans and a T-shirt and a rock band plays original music.

Mr Mason, who shies at the term ''reverend'', preaches for 40 minutes, and takes SMS questions from the crowd. (One person asked, 'What does God think about threesomes?' Mr Mason was unfazed. ''I said that God's ideal for us is one man and one woman, and we want to honour that.'')

To read more, click here.

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