Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Energizers and De-energizers

The Energizer Bunny has his own website and his own store. I admit it. I actually looked at some of the products on the site. I looked but made no purchases.

That loveable bunny has been the wordless spokesperson for Energizer batteries for 23 years. He is a worldwide icon. We love him because he’s full of energy and because he knows no obstacles.

Real Energizers

While the bunny is an incredible creation for marketing a product, he (I guess it’s a “he”) is totally fiction. But there are real energizers; they are real people that make our lives brighter. Conversely there are de-energizers as well. These people sap our energy and demotivate and demoralize us.

Rob Cross and Robert Thomas wrote an intriguing article on these two groups of people in Harvard Business Review. This quote was my favorite:

“Energizers bring out the best in everyone around them, and our data show that having them in your network is a strong predictor of success over time. These people aren’t necessarily extroverted or charismatic. They’re people who always see opportunities, even in challenging situations, and create room for others to meaningfully contribute. Good energizers are trustworthy and committed to principles larger than their self-interest, and they enjoy other people. ‘De-energizers,’ by contrast, are quick to point out obstacles, critique people rather than ideas, are inflexible in their thinking, fail to create opportunities, miss commitments, and don’t show concern for others. Unfortunately, energy-sapping interactions have more impact than energizing ones-up to seven times as much, according to one study. And our own research suggests that roughly 90% of anxiety at work is created by 5% of one’s network-the people who sap energy.”

To read more, click here.

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