Church Banned From School Building, Worships on NYC Street
The ongoing saga of New York City churches continued this past weekend with Heavenly Vision Christian Center opting to hold worship services on the street.
The church's pastor, Salvador Sabino, held an outdoor service Sunday with about 350 people gathering in 40 degree weather, because his congregation was denied a permit to meet in the public school they usually meet in.
He told The Christian Post that he is thinking about changing the name of his church to "Heavenly Vision Street Church" and that they are going to continue meeting on the street wherever they can regardless of the weather.
Sabino's church is one of the more than 60 churches in New York City that have been fighting a ban that went into effect last week barring them from meeting in the city's public schools.
He told CP that his congregation was disappointed by the ban, but "the church is going to worship God and that's what we did. People got saved and everybody was happy," Sabino said.
The street service consisted of a time of worship, a short sermon, and sharing of testimonies. Two women testified about how God healed them of cancer, three young people talked about how they had left gangs, and others shared how they had gotten out of jail and given up drugs. Keep reading
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