Thursday, May 03, 2012

Andy Stanley's stance on homosexuality questioned

Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley is being criticized for a recent sermon illustration involving a gay couple in which Stanley labeled adultery, but not homosexuality, a sin.

Stanley preached the sermon April 15 which had been discussed on a handful of blogs in subsequent days before gaining wider attention May 1 when Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. wrote about it on his website.

"The story was so well told and the message so well constructed that there can be little doubt of its meaning. Does this signal the normalization of homosexuality at North Point Community Church?" Mohler wrote of Stanley's congregation, which is nondenominational and located in Alpharetta, Ga. "This hardly seems possible, but it appeared to be the implication of the message." Read more

Related articles:
Pastor Andy Stanley Responds to Questions Over Homosexuality Stance
Andy Stanley Adds More Confusion: How Is the Church Supposed to Respond to Gays?
Andy Stanley and North Point Community Church are a bellwether of trends in North American evangelicalism. Stanley enjoys considerable popularity and  influence with younger pastors, Baptist and non-Baptist. A number of pastors use sermon outlines, children's ministry materials, and discipleship courses developed at North Point Community Church, as well as recommend Stanley's books to their congregations. 

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