Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Breakaway Anglican Congregation Has Its Last Sunday at Virginia Property

A departing Anglican congregation held its final services at a Virginia church property that they lost to The Episcopal Church in a years-long court battle.

The Falls Church Anglican, a congregation that broke away from the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia years ago over the increasingly liberal theology of the denomination, held two services on Sunday, leaving the property to a much smaller Episcopal congregation.

Jeff Walton, member of the Institute on Religion & Democracy and an attendee of the two services, told The Christian Post that the Anglican congregation's services were "forward-looking" in their focus.

"There was a celebratory mood to the services, as the large congregation seemed to have moved past any disappointment about the ruling," said Walton. "The message was that God was sending the church out from the building in order to do new things, and that complete trust was being placed in Him." Read more

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