Monday, May 14, 2012

Church of Ireland affirms marriage teaching

The General Synod of the Church of Ireland today passed a motion affirming the church’s traditional teaching on marriage and repeating its welcome to all people as members of the church by two to one majority.

It also requests its standing committee to progress work on the issue of human sexuality in the context of Christian belief and to bring proposals to next year’s General Synod for the formation of a select committee with terms of reference and including reporting procedures.

The motion, proposed by the Archbishop of Dublin Michael Jackson and the Bishop of Down & Dromore Harold Miller, was supported by 81 clergy and 154 laity. It was opposed by 53 clergy and 60 laity.

Following the general vote, the church’s bishops then voted, by standing. All but the Bishop of Cork, Cloyne & Ross, Paul Colton, and the Bishop of Cashel & Ossory, Michael Burrows, supported the motion. The General Synod, which began on Thursday, concluded this evening. Read more

Related article: Church of Ireland bishops split on marriage vote

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