Friday, May 11, 2012

Church of Ireland U-turn on gay row motion

Church of Ireland will debate gay relationships tomorrow after a decision to stop the debate taking place was effectively overturned following behind the scenes negotiations in Dublin today.

A motion brought to the church’s General Synod by two bishops to re-affirm the church’s teaching that marriage is only between a man and a woman was ruled out of order by the Archbishop of Armagh, Alan Harper, on Thursday in dramatic scenes which led to two other motions about same-sex relationships being withdrawn.

But between Thursday night and Friday morning, conservative members of the church succeeded in bundling all three motions together and re-introducing them for discussion on Saturday morning under Standing Order 31 (d) in what could be a bitter debate. Read more

Related article: Church of Ireland drops debate on gay marriage

1 comment:

RMBruton said...

Stating the obvious. The Church of Ireland has never discussed the possibility of dandelions on Neptune, therefore it has nothing further to say.