Friday, June 08, 2012

Alan Hawkins named Anglican 1000 vicar

PEAR USA priest to head up the ACNA church planting program

The Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) has named the Rev. Alan Hawkins to serve as the Vicar of the Anglican 1000 movement, Archbishop Robert Duncan told delegates to the church’s 2nd Provincial Assembly.

Archbishop Duncan told delegates on the opening day of the 7-9 June 2012 meeting in Ridgecrest, N.C., that Mr. Hawkins, the rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro, NC, will supervise the province’s church planting initiative – a work the archbishop characterized as being the “central” program of the province. Read more
"This section of the protocol facilitates the migration of clergy and congregations from the PEAR missionary district to the ACNA. It reduces the incentive of the ACNA to develop the church planting and evangelism leadership skills of its own clergy and to rely upon those of PEAR clergy, luring them away from the missionary district with attractive compensation packages. At the same time the other provisions of the protocol work to keep the PEAR missionary district from becoming an enclave within the ACNA for congregations and clergy committed to the maintenance of a genuinely orthodox Anglican witness to North America, grounded in the Bible, the Anglican formularies, and The Jerusalem Declaration." An Appraisal of the ACNA-PEARUSA Protocol

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